Teachers of migrant background and inclusive education

Juang LP, Chitewere T
Department Author(s)
Journal Title or Book Publisher
In A. Wojciechowicz, D. Niesta Kayser, & M. Vock (Eds.), Lehrer/iInnenbildung im Kontext aktueller Fluchtmigration. Perspektiven, Impulse und Erkundigungen
Publication type

Juang, L. P. and Chitewere, T. 2021. Teachers of migrant background and inclusive education. In A. Wojciechowicz, D. Niesta Kayser, & M. Vock (Eds.), Lehrer/iInnenbildung im Kontext aktueller Fluchtmigration. Perspektiven, Impulse und Erkundigungen (Teacher education in the context of current refugee migration. Perspectives, ideas, and inquiries). Weinheim: Beltz Juventa Verlag.